The Small Print.

01 : Our Terms of Business

The Company (Skill + Fire Ltd.) aims to offer the Client quality, professional and complete graphic design and marketing services. These Terms of Business set out the basis upon which we will provide our professional services to the Client. The Terms of Business should be read as they form the entire agreement between the Company and the Client. Unless otherwise agreed these Terms and Conditions of Business shall apply to any future instruction or projects given by you to The Company. Your continuing instructions will amount to an acceptance of these Terms of Business. All contracts entered into and / or advice given by individuals who are members, employees or consultants of Skill + Fire Ltd are entered into and/or provided on behalf of The Company and not those individuals in a personal capacity.

02 : Term + Termination

For subscriptions, this agreement shall commence from the date of first payment made by the Client and will terminate 30 days after the last payment received by the Client. At such time, the Company and the Client can arrange further dealings or terminate the relationship with no liability for either party. For project work, this agreement shall commence from the date of the Agreement and terminate once the Invoice has been paid in full by the Client.

03 : Payment Arrangements

All amounts stated are exclusive of VAT and VAT (at the prevailing rate) will be charged on all of our services. Unless agreed otherwise by us all invoices issued and payable in pounds sterling. When the Client signs up to one of our design subscription services, the first payment is due immediately. For project work, overdue payments shall attract interest at a rate of 4% over our current Bank's base rate.

04 : Design Hours

This first payment made by the Client purchases a set number of hours from one of our Graphic Designers over a 30 day period. The hours will renew every 30 day period. Hours cannot be carried over and hours are purchased on a ‘use or lose’ basis. Hours cannot be added to your subscription without a further purchase of hours. 

05 : Billing

In the event you need to purchase extra hours in any given month, extra hours are currently billed at £88 + VAT per hour. If we hold your payment details on file, we reserve the right to charge your card for any extra hours not covered by your Subscription payment. We will always let you know in advance how much you are to be charged for exceeding your agreed hours.

06 : Confidentiality

Information of a confidential nature, which you provide to us, will be kept strictly confidential, subject to our obligations at law. However, if we are working on a matter in conjunction with your other advisors, we will assume, unless you notify us otherwise, that we may disclose any such information to and discuss it with such other advisers as appropriate.

07 : The Company's Undertakings

The Company warrants and undertakes to the Client that: the Company and the Company Participants will have the necessary skill and expertise to provide the services on the terms set out herein; The Company will provide independent and unbiased advice to the Client in relation to the services; the services will be provided in a timely and professional manner and in accordance with the time schedules reasonably stipulated by the Client, will conform to the standards generally observed in the industry for similar services and will be provided with reasonable skill and care; no announcement or publicity concerning this agreement or any matter ancillary thereto shall be made by the Company without the prior written consent of the Client.

08 : Proofs + Drafts

Proofs and drafts of all digital and printed work may be submitted for customer's approval and the Company shall incur no liability for any errors not corrected by the customer in proofs so submitted.

09 : Copyright

The Client shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary authority to reproduce pictures, artwork, photographs etc. The Client will indemnify the Company and their agents from any claim arising there from.

10 : Completion Dates

No completion dates can be guaranteed unless specified in writing and confirmed by the Company's written acknowledgement confirmation. The Company shall not be liable for any costs arising from delays caused for whatever reason and shall not be liable for any claims for consequential loss arising from any delays.

11 : Ownership

Until full payment is received, all material produced (and the copyright thereof) by the Company, whether speculatively or by specific commission and whether paid for, or not, shall remain the property of the Company and shall not in any way be reproduced or otherwise used without the Company's written permission.

12 : Claims

Any query regarding the invoice or the goods/services supplied must be made to the Company in writing within 7 days of invoice date or delivery date, whichever is the latest. Any query regarding non delivery must be made within 7 days of the invoice date. Claims outside this limit will not be considered. The Company shall not be liable in respect of any claim unless the aforementioned requirements have been complied with except in any particular case where the customer proves that (i) it was not possible to comply with the requirements and (ii) advice (where required) was given and the claim made as soon as reasonably possible.

13 : Limitation of Liability

The Company acts on behalf of the client at all times and the client as the ultimate authority to approve all work undertaken prior to any materials being utilised and / or reaching the public domain. The Company will provide goods and services to the best of its knowledge at the time and in good faith and accept no liability for loss or damages arising. This does not exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our own negligence.

14 : Indemnity

The Company shall indemnify the Client and keep the Client fully and effectively indemnified against any and all losses, claims, damages, costs, charges, expenses, liabilities, demands, proceedings and actions which the Client may sustain or incur or which may be brought or established against it by any person and which in any case arises out of or in relation to or by reason of: (i) the negligence, recklessness or wilful misconduct of the Consultant or its employees in the provision of the Company Services; (ii) the breach of any warranties and undertakings; or (iii) any unauthorised act or omission of the Company or its employees.

15 : Insolvency

If the Client ceases to pay his debts in the ordinary course of business or cannot pay his debts as they become due or being a company is deemed to be unable to pay its debts or has a winding-up petition issued against it or being a person commits an act of bankruptcy or has a bankruptcy petition issued against him, the Company without prejudice to other remedies shall (i) have the right not to proceed further with the contract or any other work for the customer and be entitled to charge for work already carried out (whether completed or not) and materials purchased for the customer, such charge to be an immediate debt due to him, and (ii) in respect of all unpaid debts due from the customer have a general lien on all goods and property in his possession (whether worked on or not) and shall be entitled on the expiration of 14 days' notice to dispose of such goods or property in such manner and at such price as he thinks fit and to apply the proceeds towards such debts.

16 : Illegal Matters

(i) The Company shall not be required to handle any matter, which in their opinion is or may be of an illegal or libellous nature or an infringement of the proprietary or other rights of any third party. (ii) The Company reserves the right to refuse to handle any matter, which in their opinion, may be prejudicial or detrimental to the good of the Company's business. (iii) The Company shall be indemnified by the customer in respect of any claims, costs and expenses arising out of any libellous matter or any infringement of copyright, patent, design or of any other proprietary or personal rights contained in any material produced for the customer. The indemnity shall extend to any amounts paid on a lawyer's advice in settlement in any claim.

17 : Associated Services and Products

The Company may from time to time, to deliver the project laid out in the Agreement, require third party services. Every effort will be made to ensure such services and products are of a suitable quality and accept no liability for loss or damages arising should the third party services prove to be substandard in any way.

18 : Force Majeure

The Company shall be under no liability if it shall be unable to carry out any provision of the contact for any reason beyond its control including (without limiting the foregoing) Act of God, legislation, war, fire, flood, drought, failure of power supply, lock out, strike or other action taken by employees in contemplation or furtherance of a dispute or owing to any inability to procure materials required for the performance of the contract. During the continuance of such a contingency the customer may by written notice to the Company elect to terminate the contract and pay for work done and materials used, but subject thereto shall otherwise accept delivery when available.

19 : Law

These conditions and all other express terms of contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England.